LipiFlow Dry Eye Treatment

At Ensight Eyecare, we provide the latest in care for people who are suffering from symptoms caused by dry eye disease.

What is LipiFlow?  

The TearScience® LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation System, more commonly known as LipiFlow, is a medical device used to treat meibomian gland dysfunction. LipiFlow treatments are non-invasive, completely painless, and highly effective in treating meibomian gland dysfunction.  


Meibomian Gland Dysfunction   

The most common cause of dry eye disease is meibomian gland dysfunction or MGD.  The meibomian glands are small oil glands located in the upper and lower eyelids that secrete an oil that coats the surface of the eyes and prevents moisture from evaporating. Water, oil, and mucin layers make up the tear film, and this tear film is what keeps the surface of the eye healthy.   

MGD occurs when the oil-producing meibomian glands are clogged and unable to create a healthy tear film to keep the eyes properly lubricated.  Meibomian gland dysfunction is a very common condition and can cause or worsen dry eye symptoms. In the early stages of MGD, there may not be many symptoms. However, if the glands remain clogged, they’re unable to secrete oil which can result in permanent changes to the tear film and dry eye syndrome.   

Symptoms of MGD include dryness, burning, itching, sensitivity to light, watery eyes, red eyes, the development of chalazion/styes, blurry vision, and eye crusting or stickiness.   

If meibomian gland dysfunction is causing your dry eye, then your doctor at Ensight Eyecare may recommend LipiFlow dry eye treatment.

How does LipiFlow Work?   

The LipiFlow device provides vectored thermal pulsation to warm the meibomian glands through the inside of the lids and gently massages thickened meibum (lipid) and debris from the glands.   

This system is FDA-approved for the treatment of MGD and evaporative dry eye. With hundreds of patients successfully treated, LipiFlow has proven to be safe and effective.   

Some people describe the experience of receiving LipiFlow treatment as a “massage for the eyes.” The purpose of the massage is to warm and soften blockages in the meibomian glands, clearing blockages and promoting normal tear production. The procedure takes 20 minutes or less and is completely painless, but in case of discomfort, the doctor will apply anesthetics in the form of eye drops.   

After LipiFlow Therapy   

Some people notice an improvement in dry eye symptoms within a few weeks, while others notice an improvement right away. You can typically resume daily activities immediately after the procedure.  

Depending on the severity of your dry eye disease, you may need further LipiFlow treatments in six months to a year after receiving the initial treatment in our office. Our eye doctor at Ensight Eyecare will recommend the right treatment schedule for your specific case of dry eye disease.